
  Thinly disguised I

  Now that images of super-thin models and actresses perforate the glamour world in india, women seem to vie w thiness as the key to success and happiness, despite alarming results, including developing eating discorder s. Sameera khan explores the rising incidents of anorex ia in young womem. "I always thought marilyn monroe loo ked fabulous, but i'd kill myself if i was that fat", e lizabeth hurley, model and actress, in recent interview . So it seems would many other young women today. Last month fiona dias,a 22-year-old mumbai executive, almost succeeded in such an effort. Fiona, who was on an almos t all-liquid diet(soups, juices and a bit of salad) com bined with strenous two-hour daily gym workouts for the last three months, collapsed in sheer exhaustion. She w as rushed to a hospital in a near comatose state and re vived with six bottles of glucose administered via a dr ip. "I was trying to lose about four to five kgs", she says, who is five feet five inches ad weighed 56 kgs wh en she started her drastic weight loss programme.

  O:because i wanted to look thinner. Every time i lo ok into the mirror i feel fat and ugly. When i go shopp ing and see those short-cropped spaghetti-strap tops, i feel fat and ugly. When i watch TV or flip through a ma gazine and see all those slim models, i feel fat and ug ly. I want to be thin because then i will look good. An d i will feel happy. Sixteen-year old student rama sing h, who has been dieting since the age of 11 and using t he treadmil since the age of 13, is also chasing a siim ilar happiness. "o, you are so fat, is the harshest com ment somebody can ever make to her."


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