
  Along the danube II

  The city of Ingolstadt, conscious of gathering toge ther so many signs of power, wanted to dedicate to mili tary history one of its architectural jewels.

  Inside the castle is the museum of military history , which contains examples of defensive techniques from the middle ages up to the first world war. War is the c onfirmation that the history of mankind, like the river itself, never takes a straight and rational route but p roceeds in fits and starts, takes some steps forward an d tuns back on itself.

  The danube seems to make time stand still, especial ly with its typical products, whose manfacturing proces ses follow ancient traditions.

  Wachau is region that is famous for the presence of vast holdings of fertile vines. This is the most luxria nt and picturesque valley along the entire course of th e danube, where the oblique rays of the sun on the orch ards create this typical landscape that traditional ico nography would associate with an early paradise.

  The fruit that grows best in this valley is without a doubt the grape, which is picked in order to be crush ed and pressed and transformed into top quality wine. I n krems, a town in the wachau valley, we find a wine ce llar where you can taste full 140 different types of au strian wine.

  The waters of the danube evoke images at every curv e, toughing on dreamlike places. It continues on its wa y. The danube is flowing to the east towards modern eur ope, towards a world that renews itself with a new dawn .








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