
  Generation Y

  Generation Y(Y-一代,指1999年美国10-17岁青少年一代):American youths aged 10-17 in 1999

  Common distingguishing characteristics: opinionated , optimistic, money to burn-though not necessarily in t hat order. Demand change in innovation, always on looko ut for bigger and better. Surpising tendency to get alo ng with parents. Stressed by high expectations.

  Habitat: often found surfing the net.

  Taken all together, this is the most savvy generati on ever.


  --children ages 10-17 (known as generation "Y-ers") will spend nearly one third of their lives…on the inter net…those in this age group will experience 31% fewer f ace-to-face interactions than the generation x-ers befo re them.

  (U.S.News & World Report)


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