
  Life is music

  Interview with yan haunters

  Since i was a little kid, i sang. Not only songs th at existed. I just made a mop. I went to bed and I sang about the things around me, about things that happened in the day. Actually s loud and so long that my mother would come and knock on my door, open my door and say:" Ok, this is enough. Just stop now. We have to sleep!"

  Yan haunters has a crazy passion for music. He has been trying to write some simple songs since he was 12. Then, at the age of about, 15, he attended bands of dif ferent styles. After gradution from universsity, he fel t that he needed to know more about music and its techn ical aspect and went to the music college at barkeley i n the united states.

  To go to the US is not so easy. It's very expensive , takes a lot of energy. I spent all my personal money, but I still didn't have enough money. So i went hunting for scholarships and people who believed in what I did. And I got the financial support after two years. And in the US, i was plunged into everything, which was music and music technology. That was my whole life there for 4 years. While in boston, studying, i also worked. Of c ourse, i played a little part, you will not see my name on the movie. But, yeah, i was there, and i enjoyed it.

  So i came to, i came to china, and this was about 8 months ago. I was offered a job, anyway, there is a job . But this was in the information technology industry. The money was good, but is doesn't give me the happines s. And then I was offered a position here. Working here in "keeping in touch culture", it means everything to m e. It has combined all the elements in my life for the time being. Say, everyday you say to yourself, this is really what i want to say. This is really what i want t o say, this is really how i want to do it. You can only find happiness and stability within yourself if you don 't lie to yourself.

  Everything is new to him when he works as a music r ecording specialist in china. He has brough all his mus ical experiences here. He enjoys his work.

  There is something verystrong here, this chinese cu lture, one of those things is the music. The traditiona l music in china is very, very strong. If you would ask me, 'how is the traditional music in belgian', well, it 's very questionable. I don't know if i could give you a lot of examples. But there is lot here in china. So w e are here to preserve that to help people tomake a rec ording of it. This needs to be put on CD. This needs to be heard by chinese people and people in the world.

  In yan't eye, the little studio is a beautiful plac e. He would work for more than 10 hours here each day. His work and life has been combined with music perfectl y.

  Music, it's very powerful. It's very human. It's ju st a beautiful way of communication. It's a language.


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