
  Clinton's next job?

  LONDON-Several heads of colleges at Osford Universi ty favor the appointment of President Clinton as next C hancellor of the prestigious British university, the Su nday Express newspaper reported.

  Clinton had the academic credentials and stature fo r the job and would "do wonders" for university fund-ra ising, the newspaper quoted Clinton supporters at the u niversity as saying.

  "It's vital that Oxford maintains its worldwide pro file and nothing could beat having President Clinton as Chancellor," a senior Osford college head said.

  The Express gave no indication that formal noves we re underway th get Clinton the job, but it quoted a spo desman for him as saying he would give i every consider ation if it was offered to him after he steps down as p resident in January.

  Clinton, who studied at Oxford in the 1960s as a Rh odes scholar, was said earlier this year to be house-hu nting in the Oxford area in preparation for when he lea ves the White House.



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