
  Fabulous holiday gifts (II)

  The 21-foot beam sub, the most expensive item in th e Neiman Marcus 2000 Christmas Book, has private stater ooms with in-suite baths, crew quarters and a galley, a long with living and dining rooms. The yacht-sub can di ve for several days at a time and can make transtlantic crossings. Of course. the sub's $20 million price tag c an make Moby Dick turn pale and give Captain Nemo the b ends, but there's more to life than money—isn't there?

  "It's all part of Neiman Marcus," Reeder said. "Las t year we had a Boeing business jet for $35 million. We didn't sell any, but we made people smile."

  You'll be smiling until your teeth chatter if you g o for. the Neiman Marcus ice house, a 25 foot by 30 foo t ice creation that is supposed to last over 24 hours i n any climate. Serve chilled drinks from the ice bar, s how off the ice fountain that melts and freezes its flo w, and immortalize the objects of your desire with thre e ice sculptures. Prices start at a bone-chilling $225, 000.

  And finally, there are the his-and-her rokkakus—Jap anese kites measuring 6 feet by 4 feet. Created by awar d-winning kitemaker Kevin Shannon, the rokkakus are mad e from more than 100 pieces of fabric. The kites go for $2,000 per pair, including a one-hour flying lesson wit h five-time U.S. rokkaku flying champion, David Gomberg .



  1. rack their brain: 绞尽脑汁

  2. stateroom:船特等客舱

  3. quarter:住处 岗位

  4: galley:船或飞机上的厨房

  5. transatlantic:大西洋彼岸

  6. immortalize:使不朽


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