
  Fabulous holiday gifts (I)

  圣诞将至,忙碌的你在高深领域中寂寞已久,何不趁此机会尝试另一番新天地。Neiman Marcus为大亨们提供了更丰富、更刺激的度假方式,一起来分享吧!

  ‘Oh,you shoulan't have!’Some people want a lot more than their two front teeth each year during the holiday season, there are people who rack their brains in searc h of the perfect gift, who struggle to balance good tas te with good value and look to spend their money wisely on useful, practical presents.

  And then there are people who don't

  These are the spendozoids, who aren't satisfied buy ing cuff links, bow ties or golf clubs.

  If you're bored with the yacht—and who could blame you?—perhaps you should try sailing beneath the ocean b lue, rather than on top of it.

  Neiman Marcus, the people who brought you his-and-h er airplanes, are in over their heads with the 188-foot -long luxury submarine, probably the first time the wor ds "luxury" and "submarine" ever appeared together in t he same sentence.

  "This is not like the submarines you see in the mov ies," said spokeswoman Ginger Reeder. "It's really a lu xury yacht that dives to 1,000 feet."



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