
  The place where dreams are bred

  Zhang shaojie was born in a small chinese village i n 1955. It was there that he got his primary and second ary school education. The land provided for him, molded his character, and fed his dreams.

  From an early age, his dream was to imcrease his kn owledge and his experience.

  On august 31st, zhang shaojie returned to the place of his birth. And, we went with him.

  Zhang goes back almost every year, and each time hi s emotions are different.

  Thirty years passed in the blink of an eye. As the years went by, conditions improved. Zhang's old teacher s will retire soon.

  It was here that he encountered english for the fir st time. And, it was here that he was recommended for a dmission to jilin normal university to study english, i n 1975. He began setting his sights even higher.

  Zhang's father's generation wasn't afraid of hard w ork. And they influenced zhang. After he got a cerrific ate from jilin normal, he took a teaching post there. T hree years later, he got his bachelors degree and moved to the english department of northeast normal universit y. By 1999, he had realized his dream of getting his do ctorate from beijing foreign languages university.

  A new term is beginning, and zhang's senior student s will soon be off to teaching practice, in local middl e schools. Zhang has patiently listened to his students , and has changed his class in response to their commen ts, so that what they learn will better prepare them fo r teaching practice.


  张绍杰,1955年出生在农村,他的小学和中学都是在家乡度过的。黑土地不仅养育了他,也给了他宽阔的心胸和 许多梦想。


  尽管每一两年他都会回来,但每次回来他都有说不尽的感觉采访:我今天感觉很复杂,很高兴见到我的老师,也见到 了我的学生的孩子们。学校发展了,有了新校舍,而我读书时还很简陋。条件大不相同了。


  1975年他就是从这里被保送到吉林师范学校学习英语,在他里他每一次接触英语,从此,他的视野开阔了,梦也 做得越来越大了。

  父辈们的吃苦耐劳、勤劳上进的民风使他耳濡目染,从吉林师范学校毕业任教后的第三年,他又以优异 的成绩于7 9年考入东北师范大学英语系。之后,整整七年,他一口气在本校读完本科、硕士,又于99年拿下北京外国语大学英语语言 文学博士学位,最终实现了他从小的读大书的夙愿。



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