
  Street violence flares in Abidjan

  Regional and ethnic tensions have heightened in Abi djan, lvory Coast since Decmber 1999,when lvory Coast's reputation as a haven of financial and political securi ty in a region wracked by wars and civil unrest.

  ABIDJAN, lvory Coast—Street violence flared Tuesday for a second day in Abidijan, where gangs of youths div ided the city into ethnic enclaves, setting up roadbloc ks to target members of enemy tribes.

  Clashes between the mobs and security forces left a t least seven people killed in Abidjan's working clss A bobo suburb, witnesses said.

  Many parts of the commercial center were calm, with a few stores reopening after Monday's violence, which p rompted a nationwide curfew and state of emergency. But in Abobo and other densely populated neighborhoods, rio t police battled supporters of opposition leader Alassa ne Dramane Ouattara, whom the Supreme Court disqualifie d from weekend legislative elections on the basis of ci tizenship doubts.

  In Abobo,police fought runing battles with the prot esters—shooting six dead, witnesses said. When police b egan retreating, the nob surrounded one officer and hac ked him to death.

  Clouds of black smoke hung over several parts of th e city and the sound of gunshots pierced the air.

  Amadou Coulibaly, spokesman of the opposition party known as RDR, estimated about 15 people had been killed Monday and early Tuesday. The figure could not be indep endently confirmed. Police arrested two RDR officials a nd the son of its N0.2 leader, Henriette Diabate, he sa id.

  Coulibaly said the RDR was determined to continue l ocalized demonstrations until Ouattara was allowed to r un. The party had called on its supporters last week to protest the court ruling, and also said it will boycott the vote.

  On Monday, tens of thousands of RDR supporters took to the streets wielding nail-studded sticks and rusty m achetes.

  Abidjan was paralyzed as demonstrators fought with police who replied by firing tear gas and, in some case s, live ammunition. There were also protests in the nor them city of Kong, Ouattara's hometown, and rallies in the southwest town of Bouake.

  "This acceleration of violence is unacceptable," Gb agbo said. "We will fight against this mentality of (co ups)."

  Hundreds died in violence following October's presi dential elections. In that vote, Gen. Robert Guei, the junta leader, stopped vote-counting and claimed victory when it appeared Gbagbo, an opposition activist, had mo re votes. The move sparked the uprising that brought Gb agbo to power. Ouattara also was banned from the presid ential vote.






  4.Ivory Coast:象牙海岸



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