
  Hillary rodham clinton(2)

  Upon taking office in 1993, president clinton made health care reform one of the highest priorities of his administration. He asked the first lady to chair the ta sk force on national health care reform, and she contin ues to be a leading advocate for improving health care quality and providing health insurance for the uninsure d and the underinsured. Her deep commitment to children has led the first lady to champion and ambitious effort to increase immunizations for preschool-age children, p ush for an expansion of children's health insurance cov erage, advocate for innovative prenatal care, and raise awareness of the impact of tobacoo on children. When th e clintons arrived in washington, D.C.Mrs. Clinton felt that she had not only public responsibilities as first lady, but also the important private responsibility to make the historic, and formal, white house a true home for her husband and daughter chelsea. For example, beca use the private living quarters did not have an informa l place to gather for meals, she decided to have the se rving hitchen on the second floor converted into a fami ly kitchen. There, the three of them could gather aroun d the table just as they had in arkansas.

  The first lady has also worked tirelessly to reform america's foster care system and promote adoption. Thro ugh meetings with adoptive families and children in for ster care, writings and speeches, the first lady has fo cused on making it easier for children to move from fos ter care to permanent homes, and on increasing the numb er of adoptions.

  In addition to her work at home, the first lady ser ves as a goodwill ambassador for the united states duri ng her visits abroad. She has also been a leading voice for democracy building, for women's rights, and for the developing of a voluntary sector in emerging democracie s.


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