
  The perfect storm

  In the fall of 1991, the andrea gail left glouscete r MA. Two weeks later an event took place that had neve r occurred in recorded histroy. The flim' The perfect s torm' is based on a true story.

  For centuries, gloucester, massachusetts, has been one of the major fishing ports in the north atlantic. " The perfect storm" is a dramatic presentation of events which took place in that region in 1991 and the main ch aracters in the film are all based on real individuals. Billy tyne is a veteran fisherman. He is the captain of a swordfishing boat called the andrea. Gail. For severa l months tyne has had a run of disappointing catches, a nd his boss is quite dissatisfied with him. So he decid es to make one more trip before the end of the fishing season.

  One of the crewmembers of andrea gail, bobby shatfo rd, has a divorce lawyer to pay off and a new life to b uild with his girlfriend, christina. "Chris" cotter. Fi shing is the only job he knows that will pay the kind o f money he needs. So, against chris' wishes, he decides to sign on again with billy. Tyne and his crew are conv inced that they can change their run of bad luck by goi ng byond the normal reach of new england fishing boats to the flemish cap, a remote area known for its rich fi shing prospects.

  They really find their luck there and pack their bo at with a quarter million dollars worth of fish.

  They really find their luck there and pack their bo at with a quarter million dollars worth of fish.

  But as they are about to return, an unprecedented s torm descends on the area and blocks their way home. To make things worse something unexpected happens.

  This means if they stay on the sea and wait until t he storm passes, they will lose all the fish and go bac k home empty handed. All they can do is to brave the st orm, which fronts and it's more terrfying than anyone c an imagine.

  In the meantime their families wait at home greatly worried. The coast guard rescue team is also seeking th e boat at the risk of their lives. But the storm is too heavy and they can't even find the crewmembers. Will th ey be safe? Will they see their families once again? Fi shing is one of the most dangerous professions in the U .S.The number of death caused by fishing is higher than any other profession. The movie's script comes from a n on-fiction account of these real events tat happened in the fall of 1991. The book was a best seller for more t han a year.

  The leading actor of the movie is george clooney, w ho became a super star by acting in a famous TV serial called emergency room. To make his role in the perfect storm convincing, he stayed with the fishermen in glouc ester for several weeks and he almost became a real fis herman. While they were fliming on the east coast, a re al storm called'floyed' suddenly struck.

  Instead of avoiding this hurricane, the flim crew t ook a chance and captured the scenes of a real storm. T his brought a great visual effect to the movie.

  And then they came back to the studio to film the b oat that was put in a large tank.

  And 3D animation was also applied to enhance the ef fect. A good story; skillful staff; a megastar and a li ttle luck, by combining all these together, the company did arouse a perfect storm.(broadcast on CCTV)


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