
  Design for communicating

  Reading a book, talking on the phone, and downloadi ng a file from the internet are all ways that we active ly communicate information, but every day we receive co untless other message without even trying. Printed on p osters, woven into fabrics,screened onto wallpaper and painted onto plates, words and images make powerful sta tements.design sets up the tension between the content of these messages and how they are delivered. Giant-siz ed letters shout for attention. An image that unfolds g radually helps build suspense. Objects beliefs, and eve n a single alphabet letter has tales to tell. Design is constantly shaping our perceptions, and in the process is influencing our thinking.


  The objects employed in the service of worship help people share their beliefs and communicate their faith. Books, fabrics, and decorative objects are transformed into religious symbols that are used in worship service s and personal observation.

  During the depression of the 1930s, the works progr ess administration sponsored an art course for children at the educational alliance on new york's lower east si de where A. Nebdy, aged 10, designed and screen-printed this cotton.


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