
  Pharmacy I

  E:Elyn R:Rebecon W:Woman M:Man

  E:hi. Welcome to let's talk. Today i have a cold. A nd so I thought it might be a good time to talk about p rescription and nonprescription medicines.

  R:Right. And here is a good place for you to go for your medicine. In the west you probably don't go to the hospital, you go to the pharmacy or drug store.

  E:And we have a dialogue to show you that took plac e in a pharmacy. Why don't we have a look?


  M:Good morning. May i help you?

  W:Hi, yes i need this prescription filled please.

  M:Okay. Do you have insurance, or will you be talki ng care of this yourself?

  W:I have insurance-here's my card.

  M:Oh, good. Well, i see the medication your doctor ordered is a name brand and quite expensive? Would you prefer the generic?

  M:it's the same medication, same quality, but at a much lower cost.

  W:Great. I'll take the generic brand.

  M:Okay, here you go. The instructions are on the la bel. Take one tablet after each meal---three tablet a d ay.

  E:In the west you foten go to the doctor's office y ou don't go to the hospital. You go to your own doctor' s office. And your doctor there would say:" Oh. You hav e a cold." Maybe you have some bacteria in your lungs. And so they'll give you a prescription.

  M:Good moring. May I help you?

  W:Hi. I need this prescription filled please.

  R:And it's not easy to buy just and drug in the wes t. Drugs are very carefully controlled by the governmen t. So you need to have a prescription from a doctor in order to go to the pharmacy and buy the medicine. You c an't just say:"I want it." So it's a little bit more tr ouble. But it's very important. There're many noprescri ption medicines that you can buy. They're usually not a s strong. They are called" over-the-counter."

  E: In the over-the-counter medicines there're thing s like cough syrup or aspirin or those sort of things t hey aren't very strong medicines. Anything that strong like antibiotics or penicillin things like that. Those are all medicines that you must have a prescription for . And sometimes when you get to the pharmacy the pharma cist will ask you:"Oh. Do you want the 'generic brand' or do you want the 'name brand'?" that's because penici llin may have some kind of special name brand from a fa mous company or it may just be regular old penicillin.


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