
  Unclear future for cultured pearls II

  Every day the laboratory collects samples to monito r the water quality in ago bay.

  When dangerously high levels of plankton are detect ed, mikimoto scientists alert government authorities wh o advise local farmers to evacuate their oyster. We exp erimented by forcing plankon into the oyster. Much to o ur surprise when the plankton entered, the oyster tried very hard to expel the plankton. With 3-5 minutes, the movement of the heart became very abnornal and the oyst er died at once. So we know this plankton is very dange rous.

  But red tide isn't the only problem. Ago bay is now pushed to the limits, accommodating hundreds of small p earling companies.

  Just in our area alone, there are over. 130 compani es. So overcrowding too has become a huge problem.

  On many farms, the traditional 4 year growth cycle has been reduced to as little as six months. As a resul t, nacre thickness is sometimes just a cosmetic layer t hat can wear thin over time.

  Several decades ago, in may father's time, almost a ll the pearls were a two-year crop, sometimes even 3 ye ars. If we left these a year longer, they'd be of bette r quality. But to leave the oyster one more year is a c ostly gamble because they will probably die. That is ou r dilemma.

  Not only then are they smaller, less robust creatur es, but the pollution in the water changes the color of the nacre and change the color of the pearl.

  If you look at the annual harvest, teh overall look of an entire harvest is yellowish-green, not an attract ive colour and not a saleable color.

  Science may have unraveled the oyster's screts. But the pearl remains and evocative symbol of nature's geni us, and a haunting reminder that huamans too often dest roy what they treasure most.

  每天,实验室都要在AGO BAY收集样品,监测水质。



  但问题不只是赤潮,现在AGO BAY 挤满了上百家小型珍珠企业。







  (broadcast on CCTV)


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