
  Food for thought--What does happiness mean to you? I

  Happiness means creation and contribution

  We are on the eve of the new century, so we have ma ny things to recall and to predict. At every moment, it is prudent that we talk about what happiness means to u s. Each of us, for certain, have got a lot to say.

  Happiness, in my childhood and youth, meant a chanc e to study and create. I was an orphan. How i longed to go to school to read and write! But i couldn't. I lost my father when i was less than eight. Ten years later, my mother, who had been seriously ill for over a decade . Passed aways. At that time, when looking at others ca rrying schoolbags to go to school, i envied them very m uch. Had i had b book, i would have recited from the be ginning to the end many, many times. Once i earned some money by carrying coal or firewood from the deep mounta ins, the first thing i thought was to buy a book, even thought i was in rags, and my feet were black and blue with wevere cold. Due to lots of difficulties, i had be en out of school at different levels and then resumed t o sichuan international studies university in chongqing to major in english. During that period, though time wa s hard, happiness mean that i had the golden chance to review russian, to learn esperanto and spanish and read many other kinds of books in literature and art. And ho w happy i was!--- i turned my thoughts into words and h ad then published in the monthly magaizine, china youth for the first time in 1961. That even motivated me to g ain knowledge in various fields. Later on, i stepped on the road of literature and art. I am at the top of the world when i write aricles and books in both english an d espernto and have them published in many english pape rs and magazines with the help of many respected editor s.


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