
  Food for thought--What does happiness mean to you? II

  Being a teacher, my happiness is to cultivate my st udents to be people. I have been an english teacher for 33 years. Even in the period of knowledge being useless , i persuaded my students to learn, helped them to know that knowledge is power, saying "if we wish to make our nation rich and strong, we must arm ourselves with scie nce and technology. If one wishes to lead a happier lif e on this planet, he has to arm himself with knowledge and culture. Without those he would be a person dead, b ut not buried. As for a foreign language,it is a useful tool in various areas, so we must study, study and stud y agai, and master it perfectly.

  In studies, i took the lead, learning japanese and other two languages. As a result, lots of my old studen ts have now become famous for their great achievenments in many fields, and often write me about their successe s, or come to visit and tell me about them. On such occ asions, i am very proud of them and of their great valu e. What happiness can compare with that of my own?

  I'm the happinest teacher in the world now.

  Creation and contribution mean happiness to me.

  It is well known that creation makes the world rich and various, and contribution promotes societies"civliz ation and progress. And we all know that we must develo p. Development needs brains that can create and contrib ute; and brains need education in which they can be cul tivated; and education needs teachers who are the first basic, but the most importantfactors. As for me, i am a teacher in the field of education. I have to try my bes t to do my duty well, that is, with my co-workers, to i mprove the levels of english knowledge and complete qua lities of all the english teachers at middle school in our district. Only when they improve, can they cultivat e useful talents to face the outside world, catch up wi th the advanced science and technology in the world and then have our country modernized.

  Since the earth needs peace and stability, humanity needs unity and development. All needs creation and con tribution. So, why not act? I know i must get the right attitude to happiness. It is not money, nor beautiful c lothing, nor a pretty face, nor anything enjoyable and the like. On the contrary, it means creation and contri bution.


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