
  IOC confirms taekwondo as regular olympic event

  The international olympic committee(IOC) has decide d to fonfirm taekwondo(跆拳道) as an offcial olympic event in 2004, it was reported.

  The decision came in a letter from IOC president ju an antonio samaranch to south korea's IOC executive boa rd member kim un-yong, kim's office said.

  Samaranch's letter read:"i am pleased to announce t hat during the recent meeting of the executive board he ld from december 11to 13 in lausanne(洛桑), it has been d ecided to confirm taekwondo as an olypmic sport."

  Kim was not available for comment but south korean newspapers quoted him as saying the IOC decision was an honor to koreans.

  Taekwondo, the kroean-born sport of kicking and pun ching, made its olympic debut this year in sydney on a temporary basis.

  Taekwondo, originating in korea more than 2000 year s ago, means"the way of hand and foot" in korean. It is also a philosophy or a way of life to its practitioners .

  Taekwondo, originating in korea more than 2000 year s ago, means "the also a philosophy or a way of life to its practitioners.

  The first taekwondo wrold championships were staged in 1973.

  The sprot was introduced at the 1988 seoul(汉城) game s as an exhibition event and again in barcelona in 1992 , helping boost the number of practitioners to an estim ated 50 million in about 160 countries.

  Eight gold medals were at stake in sydney. But the world taekwondo federation limited the number of entrie s per country to two men and two women in a competition fought in four men's and four women's weight divisions.


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