
  Realizing our dreams

  Everyone wants happiness, but what does it really m ean? We must have heard this story: a rich man had been seeking for happiness all day, only to find a man in ra gs…so it may mean different to us.

  My happiness is not based on others' happiness, bea use i'm not noble. But i have true human feelings. When i do something good, something proud, somethings respec table and something useful, i do feel happy. Since i'm a college student, my happiness is getting a high score in exams, gaining teachers' or parents' praise, finishi ng a terrific essay or handwriting or a wonderful paint ing.

  Kongzi said:" make progress very day". And i think learning new knowledge is happiness, too. We can swim i n the sea of knowledge.

  To the young, great happiness is to realise our dre ams. Sometimes we are even happy about little things. S uch are receiving a letter, finding out the key to a pu zzle.

  Those are all happiness! Widen your eyes, and you'l l see it everywhere.


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