
  I am both young and happy I

  We often hear some people say:" so-and-so is happy, " and "so-and-so is young". And others say" so-and-so i s young and has a large amount of money. He must be the happiest in the world" and "so-and-so looks very young, but he has achieved a lot in the field of major subject s. He must have been born under the lucky star", and so on and so forth.

  What are happiness and youth, however? Who can defi ne the terms of them? So abstract concepts they are tha t i'm afraid no one can do so without any study. And it is hard to say whose concetps are more exact and true. Different people have different ideas about the word" h appiness", or by the word "youth". But in my opinion, m ost people in the civilized and progressive world agree that happiness means the state of being happy, and that youth means the period of being young, especially the p eriod between being a child and being fuly grown.

  When i am together with my little daughter,i feel i 'm at the top of the world, showing love to each other by embracing, kissing or touching gently. If someone ad vised me to turn my pretty daughter advised me to turn my pretty daughter into a gold statue in order to be th e richest person in the world as midas did in the story golden touch, i would never do that. Midas also realize d in teh end taht gold did not bring happiness to him, so he begged the gods to take away the golden touch and give him back his daughter. I am a moderm human being, i am always happy and gay, though not so rich. After wo rk and during holidays, my happiness is to be together with my family, relatives and friends enjoying myself v ery much.

  On workdays, when i take with me my english textboo ks and the classrom to give my students english lessons , always feel pround of my teaching post with more than fifty paris of thirsty eyes staring at me. I am an engi nner of the human soul. Who knows how many useful and t alented people are growing here? And i am the gardener to cultivate them diligently and patiently. I often enc ouage my student,"class, remember this, you are masters in the new century. The new generation of sinstei, enis on, bill gatesis among you, so you must study hard and make progress every day". "yes, miss yun", they respond . Who says that teachers are poor? Though somewhat ture , i declare that teachers are rich in knowledge, as wel l as in love, creation and contribution. They take thei r hearts out of themselves to light up the paths and le t their students march on to greater successes. Whose h appiness can compare with mine?


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