
  I am both young and happy II

  Sometimes, however, i ask myself:" am i both young and happy?"

  After i read the article ON YOUTH writen by samuel ulman, i've got a more exact understanding of both happ iness and youth. For example, i feel a bit ashamed when i compare myself with my father. He is nearly 60, dean of the english department, but he works and studies mor e diligently and harder than i do. His mind and spirit show me clearly that "youth is not a time of life, it i s a state of mind", and that"this often exists in a man of 60 more than a boy of 20. Nobody grows old merely by the number of years. We grow old by deserting our ideal s."

  Though i am young without a single line on my face, my laziness and wasting time, and sometimes, giving up enthusiasm wrinkle my soul.-i must realize my serious s hortcomings. I must turn my direction right, that is, s o long as the wireless station in my heart" receives me ssages and power from men and from the infinite, so lon g as you are young". After i realized that i must learn from others, especially the near ones, like my father, i became motivated, and i found again that my youth was really" the freshness of the deep spring of life". Now i've devoted all myself to the cause of my teaching cou rses, majoring for another college degree, gaining more know-ledge, etc. My aim is that i must master, at least , two or three times my father's knowledge in various f ields. That is not an easy task, but i have made up my mind to try my best. I will never stop till i reach my target. Samuel ulman's sentences encourage me too. He s ays:" when the aerials are down, and your spirit is cov er-ed with snows of cynicism and the ice of pessimism, then you are growing old, even at 20, but as long as yo ur aerials are up, to catch waves of optimism, there is hope you may die young at 80."

  In short, i am certain that the fourth sentence men tioned above is somewhat reasonable. I agree and, there fore, i must still study harder, work harder and play h ard because i am young and full of vitality. In this he althy and balanced state, i think, i can make still mor e achievements in both my fulture work and be happier i n my life.


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