
  The best and the brightest: Donald Duck

  HELSINKI—In its quest to hire the best and brightes t, Finnish mobile phone software maker Wapit Ltd turned to Donald Duck.

  The company has taken out an ad in the weekly comic featuring the webfooted Walt Disney Co. Cartoon star.

  "We've found that many of the best IT people read D onald Duck, " Wapit marketing director and founder Mato Valtonen, the former singer in the spoof rockabilly ban d Leningrad Cowboys, said.

  "A lot of our own employees read it and they say th eir friends and colleagues are huge fans, " he told Reu ters.

  A spokeswoman at the comic book's publisher in Finl and, Helsinki Media, said that some 27, 000 Finns read the comic every year, the majority between the ages of seven and 45.


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