
  Call for harmony I

  Although girls' schools enjoy growing popularity in China, I still believe it's more advantageous for teena gers to study in coed schools.

  Some parents present essential reasons for sending their children to girls' schools as a safe place for gi rls, which means that there are no warm beds for so-cal led unmature love. Parents are always worrying about "t he problem of the youth". If there is one, which I take leave to doubt, then it is the adults who create it, no t the young themselves. The young are people just like their elders. They will go through the whole journey of adolescence by themselves as their parents have done. S ome "problems" may come up on their way. Parents are of ten upset at seeing of hearing them. They cry out in al arm and take immediate action instead of thinking it th rough and providing help. With their one -sided wish, t hey send their children inside the walls of girls' scho ols and take it for granted that the matter is settled once and for all.

  By now we have to admit that is where the rub is: " Since I'm afraid that my daughter will fall in love wit h her fellow student, I just close her in a girls' scho ol." Can it really work? The answer is definitely NO. O ur teachers, parents and even the whole society shouldn 't only be concerned about the young's academic perform ance. Much more attention should be paid to the health, mental and psychological growth of the young. The adult s should give guidance to the young instead of scolding them. The unreasonable and arbitrary behavior on the pa rt of the adults will only shock the young and keep the m far away from them.


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