
  Call for harmony II

  Parents also say girls' schools "enable the girls. To put their minds on learning rather than contemplatin g other people's attitudes towards them". If that's tru e, I'd like to put forward a question: "Why should we s pend time cultivating ourselves and learning those form alities?" It's a pleasant surprise to notice that a gir l cares about others' opinions of herself, because this is how she has grown up.

  Parents always have enough reason for their wise de cision. "Girls' schools enable girls to study wholehear tedly rather than dating." There's no boy students arou nd their daughter, so parents think everything will go off without a hitch. However, we mortals all know thing s are not like that. The brick-built walls can only pre vent boys coming in.

  Moreover, are boys really so dangerous? In fact boy s don't and won't hinder the study of girls, if they ar e not helpful. It's known to all that there are subtle differences of the brain between man and woman, which c an hardly be explained clearly even by scientists. We a lso know boys and girls have different areas of interes ts and preference. Both sides can learn from each other and help each other through association.

  God created man. Closely followed, he created woman in order to make mankind live in harmony. Only with bot h man and woman can the world be perfect. I hope we can provide a more free and open world to our adolescents. It's a call for harmony.

  刘溯 四川师范大学


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