
  Working hard on your target I

  This year's job hunting got underway, as more and m ore companies came to my university to recruit new staf f. Concerned about my future career, I have been paying close attention to this event, although there are two y ears to go before my turn comes.

  The other day, I visited some seniors to see how th ings were gong on with them. It was late in the night w hen I entered their room. Almost all of them were sitti ng in front of computers, busy chatting online or playi ng video games. Among them were students who had enroll ed to take the upcoming Graduate Admission Examinations . To be honest, I was surprised by what I saw, for I ha d never anticipated such a scenario in a room inhabited by seniors. Instead, I had imagined them busy gathering employment information, polishing their resumes and pre paring for possible interviews, or wasting no time goin g over the five subjects tested in the imminent examina tions. The sharp contrast between my imagination and th e reality puzzled me, prompting me to think about this issue.


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