
  Working hard on your target II

  I know that I'm not a genius who can get things don e easily. As an ordinary person, I have no choice but t o make great efforts to achieve my goals. I think that' s the fact, as far as I'm concerned. And I accept it. T herefore, I'm ready to sweat and strive, for I don't dr eam of being favored by fortune. For I believe that not hing good comes easy. I always tell myself that I must work hard and try my best, if I decide to do something. That's my destiny.

  So if I were in their position, I wouldn't do as th ey did. I would devote all my time and energy to workin g on my goal, because it's not easy to get a good job o r to succeed in the Graduate Admission Examinations. I wouldn't stop to rest until the ballot was over.

  I don't know whether I'm right or not. I just feel a bit worried after visiting those seniors. And I want to give them a piece of advice, that is, work hard on y our target.

  At last, I'd like to wish all the seniors, known an d unknown, good luck!

  莫俊华 浙江大学


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