
  Between honor and dishonor

  When one is young, the happiest thing is to be prai sed by teachers and the saddest is to be criticized by them. Then what would you feel if you are praised by so me teachers and criticized by other ones?

  I met such teachers at my primary school.

  A teacher who taught us history regarded me as her best student and she met me always with smiles. She fou nd every chance to let me answer her questions in the c lass, praising me for my good marks, which greatly arou sed my interest in her lectures and I listened to them with my mind in an excited state. So the scores of my h omework and exams were always at the top of the class. It was a healthy cycle: the smiles on her face warmed m y heart like the spring breeze while my active performa nce in the class strengthened the breeze.

  Another teacher who taught us physics always dislik ed me. Even if I answered his questions correctly, he w ould not be willing to praise me, only pointing out my errors and mocked at me. From then on, I began to feel a little afraid of physics lessons and my homework and exams were not as good as before. It was a vicious cycl e: I was a little scared by the black clouds on his fac e and my bad performance in the class made the clouds t hicker.

  It was in such a situation that I spent that semest er. Covered by clouds, I was looking forward to the bre eze's coming; bathed in the breeze, I was worried about the clouds' advent.

  For so many years, I had been grumbling about the u nfair treatment given by the physics teacher. But with the flying of time and growth of life experience, I do not grumble any longer. The reason is that I have under stood that it is impossible for a person to live or wor k always under praise and compliment, otherwise he woul d be carried away and blind to his flaws.

  So I should thank the teacher who disliked me. I ne ed such experiences to prevent me from losing myself wh en I am favored by other teachers. Of course, I also th ank the teacher who liked me. I'm fond of books on hist ory because of her influence.

  The most important is that when I am favored by oth ers, I will treasure the love without losing myself, an d I'll do my best to behave myself to prove my value, w hen I am disliked by others.

  In fact, honor and dishonor supplement each other.

  姚琳 西南师大


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