
  Getting fit for the holidays

  Exercise is on the minds of many people during the holidays — specifically, why they can't seem to make ti me for it. To reinforce resolve, here's a list of the T op 10 reasons men and women exercise :


  Muscle tone (84.7%) Increased energy (83.0%) Cardio vascular benefits (81.9%) Weight control (81.8%) Feelin g good after (81.7%) Reduce stress (77.1%) Build streng th (76.5%) Enjoy exercise (76.1%) Keep flexibility (75. 6%) Time for self (75.3%)


  Weight control (87.5%) Feeling good after (86.6%) I ncreased energy (86.0%) Muscle tone (84.3%) (tie) Cardi ovascular benefits (81.3%) (tie) Keep flexibility (81.3 %) Reduce stress (80.5%) Time for self (79.3%) Enjoy ex ercise (77.9%) Improve self-esteem (76.2%).

  Based on a survey of fitness center users ages 18 a nd older who said each of these goals was "somewhat imp ortant " or "very important".


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