Beauty is deeper than skin I Singer Ani Aubin has given herself a makeover of so rts—by ditching her makeup! The lead singer of the Gyps y-world-pop group Ani's Whisper was born with a large p ort wine birthmark on her face, but today she doesn't e ven try to cover it up. "I started wearing makeup at the age of eight," say s the 20-something. "By the time I was in my teens, I w as doing it so expertly that nobody knew I had the birt hmark." Ani Aubin, centre, of Ani's Whisper, no longer cove rs up her port wine birthmark with makeup. The singer w orks with About Face and Building Bridges to help raise awareness of facial differences. Tired of hiding behind a "makeup mask" and having endured 20-plus treatments w ith painful and largely unsuccessful laser surgery, Aub in decided to accept her facial difference instead of t rying to hide it. |
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