
  U.S. women's soccer team headed for China

  CHICAGO—Seven players from the U.S. Olympic soccer team were named to the U.S. women's national team on Tu esday.

  Tiffany Milbrett, Christie Pearce, Kate Sobrero, Si ri Mullinix, Michelle French, Lorrie Fair and Nikki Ser lenga will be among the 18-member U.S. national team tr aveling to China in mid-January to face that country's powerful national team.

  The Olympic veterans give the national team experie nce in international play, said coach April Heinrichs.

  The remainder of the team is made up of five colleg iate(大学) players and six players who were high picks in the recent Women's United Soccer Association player dra ft.

  The veteran players, all under the age of 24 except Milbrett, will lead the first trip by an American team to China since 1998.

  The U.S. team departs for China on Jan. 7. They pla y Jan. 11 and Jan. 14 in China, and return Jan. 15.

  by Cianflone


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