
  Record-setting endorsement deal II

  Like Woods, Williams, who is black, has succeeded a s a minority athlete in a sport hisorically dominated b y whites.

  "I have to be the best in everything I do, " she sa id. "We've come a long way with the WNBA and the soccer players. I'm doing what I can. Maybe that's the most im portant part."

  Donna Lopiano, executive director of the Women's Sp orts Foundation, said the deal "announces a new era in the corporate valuing of the female athlete."

  David Bober, who represents Hamm, was also impresse d.

  "It can only help shorten the gap between male and female athletes on endorsements, " he said. "It's anoth er signal that we are moving toward parity, a clear mes sage that women's sports are here to stay."

  Williams has been affiliated with Reebok since she was 11 years old. Their previous agreement, a five-year , $12 million deal signed in 1995, expired in April, ju st before Williams began her winning streak.

  Williams' younger sister, Serena, has an endorsemen t deal with Puma.

  Venus Williams recalled taking a congratulatory tel ephone call from President Clinton after winning the U. S. Open, telling him, "Lower my taxes." Now she might n eed a word with President-elect Bush.

  "My people will have lunch with his people," she sa id.


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