
  Gore bows out with grace

  WASHINGTON-Democrat A1 Gore, a day after being deni ed a hand count of disputed ballots a hand count of dis puted ballots by a divived U.S.Supreme court, ended his white house bid by congratulating republican victor geo rge W.Bush and urging the nation to rally behind the ne w president-elect.

  Moments after telephoning the texas governor in aus tin, gore said in a nationally televised address, "i of fered to meet with him as soon as possilbe so that we c an start to heal the divisions of the campaign."

  Gore said while" i strongly disagree" with the U.S. Supreme court's decision on Tuesday to prevent a count of disputed ballots in florida, "I accept it". And then the vice president said, "for the sake of our unity of the people and the strength of our democracy, i offter my concession." Gore seemed to do so easily in his seve n-minte address that he wrote himself, mixing humour wi th eloquence and finality.

  "and now my friends," said gore, "in a phrase i onc e addressed to others, it is time for me to go."

  The vice president, often accused by critics of bei ng stiff and wooden during the campaign, won praise fro m republican and democratic members of congress for his primetime concession performance. As the vice president left the building for his motorcade, a campaign-like cr owd chanted," gore in four."

  "Some have asked whether i have any regrets and i d o have one regret: that i didn't get the chance to stay and fight for the american people over the next four ye ars, especially for those who need burdens lifted and b arriers removed, especially for those who feel their vo ices have not been heard." He said. "i heard you and I will not forget."

  "As for the battle the ends tonight, i do believe a s my father(former tennessee sen. Albert)gore once said , ' that no matter how hard the loss, defeat might serv e as welll as victory to shape the soul and let the glo ry out."

  "So for me this campaign ends as it began: with the love of tipper and our family: with faith in god and in the country i have been so pround to serve, from vietna m to the vice presidency: and with gratitude to our tru ly triless campaign staff and volunteers, including all those who worked so hard in florida for the last 36 day s," he said.


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