
  Do this and you'll be welcome anywhere

  Yet I know and you know people who blunder through life trying to wigwag other people into becoming intete sted in them.

  Of course, it doesn't work. People are not interest ed in you. They are not interested in me. They are inte rested in themselves-morning, noon, and after dinner.

  The new york telephone company made a detailed stud y of telephone conversations to find out which word is the most frequently used. You have guessed it: it is th e personal pronoun. "I." "I." "I."It was used 3,990 tim es in 500 telephone conversations. "I." "I." "I." "I." "I.".

  When you see a group photograph that you are in, wh ose picture do you look for first?

  If you think people are interested in you, answer t his question: if you died tonight, how many people woul d come to your funeral?

  If we merely try to impress people and get people i nterested in us, we will never have many true, sincere friends. Friends, real friends, are not made that way.

  Napoleon tried it, and in his last meeting with jos ephine he said:"josephine, i have been as fortunate as any man ever was on this earth; and yet, at this hour, you are the only person in the world on whom I can rely ." And historians doubt whether he could rely even on h er.

  The late alfred adler, the famous viennese psycholo gist, wrote a book entitled what life should mean to yo u. In that book he says: "it is the individual who is n ot interested in his fellow men who has the greatest di fficulties in life and provides the greatest injury to others. It is from among such individuals that all huma n failures spring."


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