
  Two feared dead amid storms

  Fears are growing for a teenager who fell into a sw ollen river during the most recent bout of severe weath er to hit britain. Danny grimley, 19, fell into the swo llen river lrwell in salford, greater manchester, at 12 .45am yesterday as much of the country was lashed by st orms, tornados 8,floods, powers cuts and transport chao s9.

  Police have not found any trace of the teenager dur ing extensive searches. The master of a german containe r vessel is also missing feared dead in high seas 200 m iles west of land's end.

  Yesterday, around 100 properties were flooded in sh rewsbury10. Environment agency chairman sir john harman is visiting people affected along the severn in worcest ershire11 and gloucestershire12.

  The national farmers' union is undertaking a nation wide audit to discover the extent of weather damage to the country's famring businesses. NFU president ben gil l said the recent weather had been a "disaster" for far mers.


  1. concession 让步

  2. eloquence 雄辩,口才

  3. finality结尾,定局

  4. showdown 摊牌

  5. dethrone废黜,废位赶出

  6. likud利库德集团(以色例右翼党派的政治联盟,长期为以色列执政党)

  7. trounce痛击

  8. tornado龙卷风,大雷雨

  9. chaos混乱

  10. shrewsbury什鲁斯伯里(英格兰西部城市,即萨洛普)

  11. worcestershire伍斯特郡(英格兰郡名)

  12. gloucestershire格洛斯特郡(英格兰郡名)


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