
  A french fashion designer

  The sound of the name LOTITA LEMPICKA presents a mu sical resonance. It's an invitation to travel into femi nity. Indeed, LOLITA LEMPICKA is a strongly contrasting name: feminine and ambiguous but also strong and audaci ous.

  LOLITA takes the time to enjoy the pleasure of bein g a mother with her three daughters. When she can, she loves to go around second-hand stores in paris and lond on looking for rare or charming objects. Always one ste p ahead, she spends a lot of time watching and listenin g to Elisa, her oldest daughter who is the age lolita w as when she first started her career in fashion.

  After pairs, the frenzy collection, the neo-baroque setting of the mansion house of her workshop, she retir es to the comfort of her authentic and welcoming home i n normandy. In her overgrown garden, she creates her ow n nature, mixes colours and fragrances. Her great passi on has always been the cinema. Lolita attends all the f estivals at cannes, deauville and avoriaz where she lik es to scout for promising talent. She designs for many actresses and stars: chiara mastroianni,victoria abirl, isabelle huppert, mathida may, elizabeth hurley…

  Fashion made a strong impression on LOLITA LEMPICKA 's personnality and history. She is characterized by he rself as a fashion victim from childhood. With always a pencil at hand and making her own clothing, it was inev itable that fashion would become her profession. After studying designing, she lauched her first collection in 1983. Time flew by, her passion knew no bounds and the next year, she created a fashion workshop in the marais district of paris.

  One year later, in 1985, the french designer signed her first fashion show. This experience was so succesfu l, tat she opened several boutiques in paris. The LOLIT A LEMPICKA's style in stamped with romanticism. So logi cally, she launched a collection of bridal gowns and op ened teh bridal boutique:"les maries de lolita" in 1994 .

  1997 was market by a very importan event which was consistent with all her career: the creation of her fir st fragrance. This new fragrance was a very succesful o n the french market and world-wide markets.

  Nowadays, the french brand LOLITAL LEMPICKA is reco gnized in the fashion world and proposed as well as the greatest designers, several accessories such as sunglas ses, tights and stockings, trave bags and jwels.

  Provided by xu hua


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