
  The election's funniest 10 minutes

  WASHINGTON-While lawyers for AL Gore and Geroge W.B ush had the lion's share of time before the supreme cou rt, the mere 10 minutes allotted to the attorney for fl orida sceretary of state katherine harris were among th e most memorable.

  While attorney theodore olson had 35 minutes to mak e his case for republican texas gov. Bush and lawyer da vid boies had 45 mintues to argue for democratic vice p resident gore, joseph klock, the attorney for bush supp orter harris, was given only 10 minues to make his case .

  Under questions by justice john pual stevens, klock inadvertently began his answer with the fatal words," j ustice brennan," the courtroom erupted in laughter beca use justice william brennan no longer serves on the sup reme court, having died in 1997.

  Moments later, it happened again.

  "No, justice breyer,"klock began. "what i'm saying is…"

  "I'm justice souter." David souter said, as laughte r reigned."you've got to cut that out."


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