
  Friendships I


  A high school history teacher once told us, "If you make one close friend in school, you will be most fortu nate. A true friend is someone who stays with you for l ife." Experience teaches that he was right. Good friend ships are just not easily formed. Why?

  One reason may relate to the mobility in our societ y. Mr Darrell Sifford, a news columnist for the Philade lphia Inquirer, has been studying and talking about fri endship for a number of years. He reports the thoughts of one woman on this aspect of friendship:

  "I was nine, and we'd just been transferred from So uth Carolina to New Jersey, and I didn't know anybody. My stepmother had a way of getting to the root of thing s and she said to me , 'Amelia, I know you're feeling b ad because you don't have any friends. But you can fix that. Just walk across the street—I know there's a girl about your age over there—and knock on the door and ask her to be your friend.' As a 9-year-old, I could do tha t. I knocked on the door and said, 'Hi, my name is Amel ia, and I'd like for us to be friends.' And to my surpr ise, she said that she would like that too—and we becam e friends."

  She added that that direct approach always worked w hen she was a child. But as she left childhood, she fou nd that the simple direct approach was more and more di fficult for her to follow. So, as an adult, Amelia long ed to have friends but her hands were tied when it came to doing anything about it. The problem, according to h er, is that society teaches us in a number of ways that direct action is not acceptable behavior. We need to be less direct to cushion ourselves against possible rejec tion and the fright of exposing our own helplessness.


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