
  Chocolate, a healthy snack

  The news couldn't get much better during the holida y season: Chocolate actually may be good for you. Natur ally occurring substances found in chocolate act as ant ioxidants and might help fight heart disease, claims ne w research.

  It's important to remember that chocolate comes fro m the cacao bean, a plant-based food. One of the compou nds in chocolate is flavonoids. You find them in berrie s, red wine, green tea. Flavonoids are considered stron g antioxidants(抗癌化剂).

  "We know that compounds in chocolate can be absorbe d into the blood," Keen says, "and… we see, following t he consumption of cocoa beverages, a reduction in the t endency for platelets to clot, similar to the effects o f taking a baby aspirin."

  by Fran Berger


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