
  Keep moving, keep motivated

  Hi, nice to meet you. I am Eric Williams. I am 21 a nd live in Oak Ridge, Tennessee. If you are into athlet ic conditioning as I am, you know how hard it is to sta y in condition. You get a schedule together of your wor kout times, and you even keep at it for a week or so. T hen, you start to get lazy. Well, I will tell you how t o get motivated and keep at it until you get the result s you want.

  Arrange Your Priorities

  First… You have to figure out what you are going fo r. Do you want more speed? More upper body strength? To ne and flatten your abs (abdomen的缩略)? Or are you just n eeding to get into shape?

  Set up a schedule that's right for you

  Do not set up an unreasonable schedule. That will a lmost guarantee failure from the start. If you work or go to school, you can always manage to squeeze in the t ime for a good workout. How about your lunch break? Her e are some Tips on working out. If your schedule gets t oo hard, cut back on some of the reps(重复次数), but Keep T rying!! If you are struggling to finish that last stoma ch crunch(腹肌运动), just keep in mind that it will get eas ier!

  How to keep going when the going gets tough?


  It is really hard to hang onto, but you have to rem ember one thing. Why did you start your program in the first place? Were you overweight? Out of shape? Did you LIKE being that way? It helps to work out with a friend . You are more likely to keep at it if there is someone watching you!! Now, should you toss out the bucks and j oin a Health Club? Only if you are really going to use it.


  1. IMPORTANT: Do stretching(伸展运动) and warm-up exerc ises before each workout(训练,锻炼). Even the best athlete can pull a muscle or suffer injury from ignoring this r ule.

  2. Also, don't forget to cool down. This will help avoid stiffness.

  3. And, as with any new exercise plan, check with y our doctor before starting on a program.

  4. Alternate the days. If you give your legs a work out on Monday, work out your upper body on Tuesday. Thi s gives the muscles a chance to rest.

  5. If you are a beginner, keep your workouts to 3 t imes a week. As you get more into condition you can do more, but until then all you'll do is burn-out(精疲力尽).

  6. Do not try to make up for missing a workout time by forcing yourself beyond reason at your next workout.

  7. Watch your diet. You can still have the occasion al fast food if you eat well the rest of the time. Watc h your body fat ratio(比率). Mine is 6%.

  8. Listen to your body. Pushing yourself is fine, b ut not to the point of injury.

  Keep Moving, Keep Motivated.

  Good Luck!!


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