
  Walking I

  "I have found that walking is the only exercise tha t really helped me to become fit. It is a gentle exerci se and you can go at your own pace. Seven weeks ago, my blood pressure was 200/110. Today it is 108/77 and my p ulse rate is 60 while resting. I lost 30 1bs. and I fee l great. "

  ——from the walk talk board.

  Starting Out

  Thought you mastered walking at age one? Well, thin k again. Fitness walking isn't an afternoon stroll. We' re going to get all of you beginners moving with an eas y walking program that's guaranteed to help you get fit , toned, and on track with a fun cardiovascular(心血管的) w orkout. Before you get started, let's run through some easy-to-follow walking tips. By following these key ste ps, you'll reduce your risk of injury, ensure that your body works at its peak.


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