
  Word about the Post Office I

  Elyn (E) Woman1 (W1)

  Woman2 (W2)

  E: Oh. Hi, welcome to Let's Talk. Today you've caug ht me at home. And I'm writing some checks because that 's how I pay my bills. Do you have bills to pay? Maybe if you're in school you don't have bills. But I bet you r parents have bills. And I bet they go to the Post Off ice because here in China I also go to the Post Office and sometimes to the bank to pay my bills. But in Ameri ca and Canada and in other Western countries you receiv e your bills in the mail and then once you have your bi lls you have to write a check. And so this morning I'm taking time to sit down and pay my bills.

  When I'm done with writing my checks I put the chec k in an envelope and write on the envelope and then I h ave to go to the Post Office. So let's have a look. We have a dialogue for you this morning of some people who had to go to the Post Office.


  W1: Jeanine, here's the stamp machine. How many sta mps did you need?

  W2: I'm not really sure. I need a few to pay some b ills and one to send a birthday card to my mom.

  W1: Well, you really need to decide before you put your money in the machine. If you put your money in, an d you wait too long, you won't get your change back.

  W2: Really? How much time do I have to make a choic e?

  W1: Well, you probably have a few minutes, but it's really better to be ready before you put your money in the machine.

  W2: I think a book of ten stamps will be fine.


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