
  Word about the Post Office II

  W1: Alright, you just put your money right here whe re it says, "Insert bills face up."

  W1: Now you just push the button of the correspondi ng selection that you want.

  W2: It says 'B-3'. So I press 'B-3'.

  W1: And your stamps are right here in this bottom t ray.

  W2: Here are my stamps!

  E: When our friends went to the Post Office they ne eded to get some stamps because they had to pay some bi lls and they had to send a card. I love to go to the Po st Office. I like to get the kind of stamps that they s ell in the machine sometimes. It's very convenient espe cially if the regular Post Office is closed, you can go to the side and use the machine and get some stamps. I bought these stamps at a stamp machine in a post office . But my favorite parts are the commemoratives. Do you know that word? It comes from the verb 'to commemorate' .

  This is the envelope I use to send my letters and b ills in. You see the difference? No red boxes. We also, like China, do have a, we call it, a zip code or a post al code. And we just write it here. Do you remember the difference between addresses between China and Canada o r America or Europe? The top line is the name, the midd le line is the street; the bottom-line is the city and the state or the province. There is a two-letter abbrev iation for the state. And then we have the zip code or postal code. Up here is your return address. It's diffe rent, isn't it? It shows the way we think about the wor ld is quite different. In the West we think small to bi g; person, where they live, country, like that. In Chin a you say city, street, person. That's kind of fun, isn 't it? I like being opposite. It makes the world more i nteresting. Well that's all for now. If you like stamps why don't you sent me a letter. I'd love to hear from y ou.

  Repeat dialogue:…


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