
  The clever whitewasher I

  It was a bright, fresh Saturday in summer. But Tom Sawyer could take no pleasure in it, for he had to whit ewash(粉刷) his Aunt Polly's board fence. He stood on the sidewalk with a bucket of whitewash and a long-handled brush. As he examined the huge length of fence, his hea rt sank.

  He dipped(蘸) his brush and passed it along the high est plank(厚板). Comparing this small whitewashed area wi th the vast continent of fence that remained, he sat do wn, feeling hopeless.

  Jim came by, on his way to get water.

  "Say, Jim, I'll get the water if you'll whitewash s ome."

  "Can't, " said Jim. "Your Aunt Polly told me you'd ask, but she said I mustn't "

  "I'll give you a white marble," Tom said. The offer was attractive, but Jim resisted.

  "I'll show you my sore toe beside," Tom added.

  Jim was won over. But just then Aunt Polly appeared and sent Jim about his business.

  Tom thought of all the things he'd rather be doing and began to search his pockets for toys, marbles, and other things he might use to pay other boys to do his w ork. But there wasn't nearly enough.

  Then inspiration struck!

  Tom took up his brush and went back to work. Soon B en Rogers came into view, eating an apple. Tom paid no attention. He just kept painting, with a satisfied look .

  "Got to work, huh?" "Ben!" exclaimed Tom, acting su rprised. "I didn't notice you."

  "I'm going swimming, " said Ben. "Don't you wish yo u could? Too bad you've got to work!" Ben teased.

  "What do you call work?"

  "Isn't that work?" said Ben.


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