
  A pair of new shoes I

  "Don't you just love my new shoes?"

  Rebecca's eyes shine with delight as she places a p air of elegant high-heeled shoes in my lap. The shoes a re impeccable in their simplicity, and nothing but my o ld knobby hands mar their sleek lines.

  "Such fine leather! These are lovely."

  "And only eighty-five dollars!"

  "Heavens! I must be getting old, Rebecca. That seem s a great deal of money for a pair of shoes."

  "Oh, Nana, I knew you'd say that."

  Rebecca's lustrous hair swings in a soft curl as sh e leans forward to touch my cheek with a kiss. Her perf ume embodies the essence of spring and of youth. At twe nty-three, she is the baby of the family.

  "Now, don't fall asleep, Nana. Your party's about t o begin," she whispers, and slips out of the room.


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