
  A pair of new shoes II

  Sleep. It would be so easy to let my wrinkled eyeli ds droop and to fall asleep like a fat old cat in the s un. I blink several times to keep awake and turn my gaz e to the dining room where a silver bowl of yellow rose s graces the table in honor of my eighty-sixth birthday . The linen has been laid and soon I shall feel its cri spness beneath my fingertips. The heavy silverware is i n place and for a moment I wonder if my weak, old hands will handle it without embarrassing clatters on the del icate china. The comforting sound of voices and dinner preparations lulls me and I begin to caress the smooth, cool leather of Rebecca's new shoes, which lie in my la p. With each touch, I relax, I let go. With each touch I remember another pair of shoes so long ago. Was I onl y thirty-nine? Impossible! I can almost hear the voice that called to me as I stood in my garden on that scorc hing afternoon in that relentless summer of 1935.

  "Missus, say, Missus!"

  to be continuedby Elsie Phillips


  1. impeccable: adj. 完美无缺的

  2. knobby: adj. 长满茧的

  3. lustrous: adj. 有光泽的

  4. grace: v. 为……增添色彩

  5. caress: v. 抚摸

  6. relentless: adj. 严酷无情的


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