
  How to write cards I

  E: Hi, welcome to Let's Talk. This time we've arran ged for you a special program on what to write when you send a card to someone. Now we're not talking about 'Th anks Giving ' or 'Christmas' or 'Valentine's Day', whic h are public holidays, we're talking about when you sen d a birthday card or when you send a congratulation's c ard, we often have our friends tell us 'Oh, what do you write in English?' because it's not the same as in Chin ese.

  R: No, it's not easy. But it's very important that you write the right thing, because people treasure thei r cards. Especially if it's a personal friend and its a bout a special event, like a new baby. Greeting cards c an be very special not just on holidays. And we bought a whole lot of them, and brought them to show you, so y ou will have some ideas of the right message to write o n the inside of the card.

  E: Let's look at birthday cards first.

  R: We've got two birthday cards. One is the silly f unny one that you might send children, and one is a pre tty one that you can send anybody, your mother or your boss. And they're both good for birthdays. The funny on e says "Sorry this birthday card is all wrinkly……" "I h ugged it before I sent it to you." So I think that's ju st a humorous funny card to make the person laugh. And the other ones are just standard birthday. And what wou ld you write if you were writing a message on this pret ty flower card?

  E: Well, if you're writing a more formal message, s ay to your boss or your teacher or to someone who's not in your family, you might write "Happy birthday!" and " Many happy returns!" "Many happy returns!" means may yo ur birthday come again and again and again.

  R: It's like 'long life', right.

  E: Yes, same idea.

  R: Same idea. Many birthdays. And of course if it w as a close friend, you might just write "Happy Birthday !" "I wish I could be there with you. And share it with you, " something more intimate and personal.

  E: Or you might write "Happy Birthday! I hope you h ave a wonderful day!"

  R: Yeah. Those are all good ideas. And of course an y happy wish works for almost anything. And our next ca tegory is 'friendship'. And this is just a cute card El yn found. It's a big unfolding card. It has dinosaurs a ll over it, both sides. And I think some young friends, little kids would probably love this card. Somewhere yo u have to find a spot to write something.


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