
  Marriage in the West



  In modern America, many things have lost their form alities such as the marriage proposal. The man getting down on one knee and asking the woman, "Susan, will you marry me?" is not a common sight now. But this practice , being a tradition, still lives as a romantic episode in people's minds.

  Considering that kneeling typically indicates abase ment, it would be curious that the man should offer a p roposal in a kneeling position. Actually, in the majori ty of marriages, even today, the man seldom feels like being abased. The probable explanation is that there ar e vestiges of chivalry involved here. Knights in the se rvice of a lady would frequently display their readines s to take orders by bending the knee in the mistress' p resence. Similarly, the modern version in marriage indi cates that the man is willingly at the service of the w oman, and is ready to offer his husbandly "services". B oth the modern and the medieval gestures suggest the sa me necessary fiction: the idea that in spite of their e conomic and political powerlessness, it is really women who control social affairs. This is another example of the respecting ploy, as in Ladies First, that is, by ke eping women flattered, the modern version of chivalry k eeps them submissive and the willing victims of male "e steem".


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