
  Hacker attacks on sharp rise II

  The cases of hackings in November show that two met hods are most commonly used. In 110 cases, hackers brok e into target computers by aiming at their system vulne rability. In 103 cases, hackers stole information off t arget computers after secretly installing a virus progr am often referred to as a "Trojan Horse."

  Besides the two major methods, there were six cases in which hackers used the technique called "denial of s ervice (DOS) ." With this technique, a hacker never act ually penetrates into a computer's security system, but sends so much information through so that no one else c an use the site. It is the same technique that paralyze d Yahoo!, e-Bay and other big-name Web sites in Februar y.

  There were also four hacking cases using e-mail, tw o cases in which hackers stole the ID of Web site opera tors, and two remotely-controlled hacking attacks.

  An analysis of hackings in November shows that Kore an computer systems are an easy prey to foreign hackers . Thirty-six out of 227 cases involved foreign hackers wreaking havoc on Korean computers.

  In another 29 cases, foreign hackers used Korean co mputers as a pathway to launch attacks on foreign compu ter systems.

  There were also 138 cases in which it was impossibl e to confirm the course of hacking.


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