
  Gotta-have toys for gadget-worshipers

  NEW YORK —— Feeling that technolust urge? Pray to t he gadget gods and you might find some of these must-ha ve digital doo-dads in your stocking:

  From the Danish folk who brought you the Lego Minds torm Robot, here's another canny combination of interlo cking plastic blocks and computer hardware.

  The Lego Moviemaking Studio, with an endorsement fr om Steven Spielberg himself (his proceeds go to charity ), is a complete movie set powered by a digital camera.

  Build sets from the included Legos and make your ow n movies by moving the little Lego-men around. Then hoo k the camera up to your PC and splice together your mas ter opus with Lego's video editing software.

  Since Spielberg is "attached to the project, " as t hey say, there are Jurassic Park and Indiana Jones-esqu e Legos included. And… action!

  You're sitting in your car and a beautiful, eerie s ong you've never heard before comes on the radio… but a s the song ends, the station goes straight into "Danke Schoen" by Wayne Newton, leaving you clueless as to the name of the first song and artist.

  But you've got a new Sony eMarker. Click the oblong device when you hear an unknown song, hook it up to you r computer when you get home and Sony's Web site will g ive you a list of all the music that was playing on you r chosen station at a given time.

  For Sony, this is just the beginning of efforts to "bookmark" all aspects of life. And in typical Sony sty le, the eMarker is one sweet-looking piece of hardware.

  (to be continued)


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