
  Quotes of the week

  "I'm looking. I haven't been in a relationship for like years now. … It was so hard the last time. … It wa s just like 'Aggh! God, forget all that, man, let's jus t be friends.'"

  --actor KEANU REEVES, star of "Speed and The Matrix ," when asked about relationships during an interview f or Vanity Fair magazine.

  "You hate to admit it, but you want it so bad you c an taste it."

  --actor WILLEM DAFOE, in an Esquire magazine interv iew, acknowledging his ambition to win an Academy Award .

  "We are in our seventh year, and if we're to drop o ut of the top five, maybe when they come on, it will ha ppen… If we do, it's fine. It's pretty unbelievable… se ven years in the top ten!"

  --"Friends" co-star LISA KUDROW, talking to "Access Hollywood" about NBC's hit sitcom going up against the second installment of "Survivor" later this season on C BS.


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