

  I am Larry and I live in a spot called Mallacoota, which is down the southeastern tip of Australia.

  For twenty years I've been exploring the world in a sea kayak(独木舟).They are so strong and sea-worthy. You c an go anywhere.

  This is the story of a journey to Papua New Guinea( 巴布亚新几内亚).

  Our journey will take place along the "ring of fire ", Where there is over 150 active volcanoes(活火山).

  Five years I have been planning this trip.

  We are heading for the Tabar Islands. We are going to be cutting across to New lreland, around the souther n coast down to New Britain, and down from the southern coast of New Britain to mainland Papua New Guinea. We a re going to travel something like 2000km or more.

  We are on our way to Kanakoova, the world's largest cave opening. This limestone country is laced with unde rground rivers and when the jungle roof caves in, it cr eates these enormous sinkholes. The cave owners signal to the spirits. The spirits of the dead live in the cav e. Anita and Roark are both experienced rock climbers. Roark's game enough to actually go into the cave's mout h. The rest of us, had to push our way down through the jungle.

  We'd heard stories about the "blowgun hunters(风笛枪猎手 )". We traveled south to find them. This old chap start ed pulling out this enormous blowgun. He must have had the world's largest lungs to blow this arrow… The lengt h of the pipe would have taken more than a lung full of air. And the arrows, so beautifully made and crafted an d they use the feathers of birds from around the breast area. He took a few big deep breaths, all his concentra tion and energy and you heard it go out the end, and di sappeared way up into the sky. Something like forty, fi fty metres way up, almost out of sight. And a few secon ds later, into the ground. Well, that was pretty close.

  Tens of thousands of years ago, the Austronesians ( 澳大利亚西亚人)migrated their way through Papua New Guinea to colonise the Pacific. They probably started off in litt le bamboo craft, like this…

  It is amazing what these people can do with such si mple tools as a bush axe. How do you judge the thicknes s of the wall of a log? When you start from the outside , then you go from the inside. It is very difficult not bursting through the side. Whatever comes out of the bu sh they can utilise. Just a work of art put together wi thout the use of a nail, nothing modern used at all.

  I just felt like I'd spent only five minutes with t hese people, I could spend a lifetime, really. These pe ople are our neighbors.

  There really is only one ocean and it covers the en tire planet. And this is just the beginning. I want to kayak the world.


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